Hey everyone, the website has undergone a huge re-design as part of my efforts to bring all of my content together and introduce a consistent look across all platforms. There's still some work to be done, but hopefully, this new design brings not only a fresh look but an easier to visualise and navigate environment where you can easily access all of the content that I create.
The mobile version is a bit of a mess currently but I'll be polishing that up in the coming week along with some new videos as I have yet to release this weekend's video and I missed out midweek due to work being so busy.
This has taken me days toying around with the new design and I'm finally happy with how it looks and the way the content is displayed. If anyone has any thoughts, feedback or suggestions, please feel free to let me know here or on the community Discord. I'll be continuing to also improve the look of the live streams going forward and may have some big plans to reveal soon if they work out.
Thanks for reading.