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Project Modularity - Stage 2 Released!

Well it's about time! I've been promising the release of stage 2 for some time and I finally decided to get some of the essentials done during my PM stream. The description page has had a makeover and there have been a bunch of additions to the mod itself. Claywater Retreat has a lot of new stuff you can look at in terms of assets.

Just be aware that the resources in the "Resource Edits" folders are from other authors and cannot be used without giving them permissions. Unfortunately you'll have to use the credits for this mod to find out the various authors whose stuff is used as I don;t have them organised into their own folders at the moment, but that may be something that is planed for the future, at least for the mesh assets as texture set directories can be a pain to change with so many resources.

Also be aware that some meshes and textures in the resource may not be in a completed state or could have some oddities. I won't be listing all of the changes to existing meshes and textures, but I'm sure you can just sift through and see for yourself.

Hopefully stage 3 won't take so long and we can progress the mod some more during the Monday live streams. If you're not already following me on Twitch, then please go ahead and do so. It will allow you to see the creation of PM and Claywater Retreat and maybe learn a thing or two in the process, not to mention have some fun. It's not all boring modding over there.

There's still some work to be done to the website page for PM and also the mod page over on the Nexus which I'll hopefully get sorted over the next few days. I have images to replace and other links and information to b e adjusted. Creating mods seems to be the easy part. It's the presentation which takes so much time.

I would like to take this opportunity to thanks my patrons over on Patreon who make a huge contribution to my work and help pay for some of the tools used in the creation of my content. Services such as Spotify also wouldn't be so affordable for the streams without your help. If you would like to help support my work, you can check out the donations page on my website.

So I hope you all enjoy stage 2, and feel free to come over to the Discord if you have any questions or issues to report. It's always possible that I miss a few things out here and there.

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